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Bridging the Strategy-Execution Gap

It is all too common that results achieved from strategy execution efforts are less than desired, misalignments become evident, "strategic" initiatives multiply, resources get stretched, the strategy loses traction, frustration mounts, and confidence is diminished.

When there is a disconnect between what the organization is actually doing and what its strategic direction has planned to do, there is a strategy-execution gap. Organizations with a strategy-execution gap will not achieve their strategic intent, and will not improve their performance in priority areas.

In this webcast Stacey Barr and I discuss a model of the strategic performance management process and explore where the gap is, and how to bridge it.

We look at:

  • The steps of the strategic performance management process

  • Where and why the strategy-execution gap happens

  • Where popular performance and strategy frameworks fit in the process and why they aren’t closing the strategy-execution gap

  • How PuMP provides unique steps and techniques to bridge the strategy-execution gap

Webcast of 2024-08-14


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