When people feel their performance and eligibility for rewards are judged by measures, it can easily lead to gaming and dysfunctional behavior just to hit KPI targets. There’s a better way to use measurement in organizations so it generates pride, initiative, ownership, and learning – the ingredients on which performance truly thrives.
In this video with Stacey Barr and I, you will discover a fresh way of thinking about the relationship between measures and people’s performance - one that leaves the gaming behind and moves your organization’s culture toward true and lasting performance improvement.
We invite you to find out:
Why it's so hard to measure people in ways that truly motivate and improve performance
How to gently transition away from measuring people to measuring in a way that really does improve organizational performance.
The first 2 steps to take to reduce people's resistance to measurement and build ownership of measures and results.
Webcast of 2024-02-23